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龍舟挑戰賽 Dragon Boat Challenge

大家好,很快又會到今年的龍舟挑戰賽(籌款活動)啦! 再次感謝你們上年的參與和支持。

今年也同上年-樣,希望每個參與的隊員都能籌集到至少 £25(越多越好!),所籌的一半資金將捐給扶輪社(Rotary Club),一個幫助有需要的人的慈善機構,另一半將為我們蜜惠中文學校籌集。蜜惠中文學校是英國循道工會蜜惠堂的一個項目,為華人兒童繼續學習粵語及普通話和中國文化。


有興趣參加的弟兄姊妹朋友,或想清楚多些關於這個活動的資訊,請盡快向鍾明鏗(Henry) 弟兄聯絡。WhatsApp 或 Email:

——————————————————————————————————————————— Hello everyone, this year's Dragon Boat Challenge (fundraising event) is approaching fast! Thank you again for your participation and support last year.

Again, this year we will be fundraising for the Medway Chinese School (a project of the Medway Chinese Methodist Church) to support their ethos of continuously providing resources for the Chinese children with continuous learning of Cantonese, Mandarin and Chinese culture. We hope each participating team member can raise at least £25 (the more the better!), half of the money raised will go to Rotary Club, a charity that helps people in need, and the other half will be raised for our Medway Chinese School.

We need your support, either as a rower or as a helper to help organise this event. Please contact Henry Chung ( as soon as possible to register your interest or for further information. Thank you.

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